As it happens with time, there may come an instance when you have outspent your bridal shower budget on various odds and ends like renting out the bridal shower venue, paying for the catering, the bridal shower cake, and to transport furniture. By the time you arrive at bridal shower favors for the guests, usually the very last aspect of the shower which is taken into consideration during bridal shower planning, only wisps of your shower budget remain. It is for this reason that we provide you with some ideas for cheap bridal shower favors.
Ideas for Cheap Bridal Shower Favors
Ribbon and Laced Candles
You could buy cheap six to seven inch candles and wrap around them ribbons and laces in a diagonal, spiral manner. The color of the ribbon and lace could correspond to the colors of the décor of the bridal shower or wedding venue.
Self Painted Wooden Plaques
Here is another one of those unique bridal shower favors. Purchase unvarnished rectangular blocks of wood (about eight to nine inches long) and start painting it with your favorite water color paints. Once uniformly and consistently painted, take a thinner paintbrush and, pick a contrasting color, start writing messages for the guests on the plaque, neatly, with a firm hand.
The messages can be something as simple as "Thank you [Guest's Name], for coming to our shower to be a part of our joy. Love, [Bride and Groom's Names]". You could hammer a nail into the top of the plaque and tie a pretty ribbon around said nail.
Refrigerator Magnets
You could buy inexpensive, personalized refrigerator magnets, which could be red heart shaped with the wording on it in white.
Homemade Cookies
If anyone is a good baker at home then nothing, absolutely nothing, beats a pack of homemade cookies or gingerbread people. Have them sealed in a vacuum container and give them off to the guests.
Homemade Goodie Bags
One of the other cheap bridal shower favors which you could prepare are little gift bags containing inexpensive but dainty tea coasters, bath soaps, lotions, and thimbles with satin ribbons tied to them.
You could always give away little metal bells cheap of cost.
Recipes for the Bridal Shower Courses
One of the most marvelously cheap bridal shower favors could be a collection of the recipes of all the bridal shower courses, especially if you prepared the dishes at home. Just type down all the recipes in MS Word. Make a fancy cover image in Photo Shop. Remove prints of each recipe the same number as the expected guest turn out, maybe a little extra to be on the safer side.
Get the cover and recipes together and have them spiral or cloth bound. If the "recipe booklet" is spiral bound, you could just attach ribbons of the same colors corresponding to the colors at the bridal shower and wedding. If you would prefer you could also type in a message from the prospective bride and groom for the guests and include it at the end of the recipe book.
The role of ribbons, lace and wire in box packaging
You may utilize a lot of ribbons, lace, baby breath, and wire to wrap gift boxes. Usually these fabric materials should match the colors of the wedding or bridal shower but it is alright if they do not do so.
Those were our suggestions on cheap bridal shower favors. Wishing some of them give you some kind of inspiration for your own shower favors!
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About the Author
Bridal shower favors are gifts from a bride to her friends and relatives through which all her guests will remember her forever.
All the cheap bridal shower favors ideas are nice and going to implement one of those for my cousins weeding. Have you got any suggestions..?